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Bangladesh seeks to join China-led trade pact

The commerce ministry on Monday sent a letter of consent to the foreign ministry, requesting Bangladesh’s entry into the China-led Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the world’s largest trade pact.
This is the first formal step taken by Bangladesh to join the RCEP. 
“We have sent a letter citing our consent to join the RCEP,” said a senior officer of the commerce ministry, on the condition of anonymity.
Earlier, the office of the chief adviser approved Bangladesh’s participation in the RCEP, a regional trading bloc that accounts for 30 percent of global gross domestic product.
Another commerce ministry officer mentioned that a meeting will take place next month in Dhaka with Japan to initiate formal negotiations for signing the economic partnership agreement (EPA).
Bangladesh and Japan have already completed a joint feasibility study on signing the EPA.
However, the formal negotiations for the EPA were delayed due to the political transition in Bangladesh early August this year.
